Welcome to the NANO-SAFETY.info web site. The purpose of this site is to provide information on topics of interest
in Nano-Safety, but more importantly to provide links to other relevant sites with important information on various topics of Nano-Safety.
Sources page provides additional information about various linked web sites that have additional, reliable information. There is a book
under development that addresses the holistic view of Nano-Safety. Publication is anticipated in early 2016.

Safety is paramount in the workplace and the environment;
AND, is especially important for developments in nanotechnology, in which case material characteristics may be completely unknown.
NANO-SAFETY requires many things: knowledge of effects, understanding of particle behavior, toxic effects depending on the application,
residual impact on the environment, etc. The areas of understanding can be characterized in a number of categories, which include:
1) Material Properties; 2) Impact on People and the Environment; 3) Handling of Nanomaterials; and 4) Business Focus.